Dialogue Facilitation

Dialogue Facilitation

Dialogue Facilitation Manual

Training of Trainers

Training of Grassroots Dialogue Facilitator

Trainers Roster

Grassroots Dialogue Facilitators Roster

Dialogue Facilitation

Dialogue Facilitation Manual

Ethiopia has been facing persistent conflict, and maintaining peace and harmony has been a challenge. However, genui10pxne efforts are made to address both old and recent root causes of conflict through dialogue at the local, regional, and national levels. Among these efforts, the Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University has collaborated with the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and Inclusive Peace to create a dialogue facilitation training manual.

Four experts from Addis Ababa University participated in the manual development, and mentored of the trainers.  

Mercy Fekadu, Ph.D.


Yonas Tariku


Yohannes Tekalign Beza, Ph.D.


Yonas Ashine, Ph.D.


Training of Trainers

The institutions have trained 39 trainers, from all over Ethiopia, the dialogue facilitation manual in 2022. The training covers basic concepts such as peace, conflict analysis and conflict resolution and equipped trainees with skills of dialogue facilitation as well as training facilitation. Carefully crafted case studies, simulations and role plays were central in developing these skills. Additionally, the training of trainers helped facilitators ask, sometimes difficult, but essential self-reflection questions to gage their awareness of their awareness of the role their own (the facilitators’) attitude and experience can shape processes of conflict analysis and resolution through dialogue.

Training of Grassroots Dialogue Facilitators

In 2023, the IPSS collaborated with USAID to provide opportunities for some of the 39 trainers to train members of their communities. The opportunity was given to 5 teams, each training 20 to 25 grassroots dialogue facilitators. Community-based dialogue facilitators have the skills to mediate conflicts in different social groups within their respective localities. The training for the local community was carried out in Dire Dawa, Asosa, Zway, Jigjiga, and Harar targeting Harari, Oromo, Somali, Mareko, Meskan, Gumuz and Amhara communities.

The trainers as well as the grassroots dialogue facilitators are eager to embark on opportunities that would help them develop and apply their skills even more. The contact information’s of the Core Dialogue Facilitation trainers (composed of experts from Addis Ababa University), thirty-nine national level dialogue facilitators, and one hundred community-based mediators are mapped below, indicating their geographic coverage. Although we acknowledge that there still may be challenges ahead, and we remain committed to addressing them through an ongoing dialogue and collaborative effort, we hope Ethiopia is on its way to finding sustainable peace and harmony with this team in place.

Trainers Roster

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Grassroots Dialogue Facilitators Roster

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