Education & Professional Development at IPSS

Knowledge work is in everything we do at IPSS. Our particular strength is the way in which we approach it: the IPSS learning experience is a unique connection of analytical and practical matters, facilitated with in-depth insights from renowned experts and practitioners and teamed with a strong commitment to openness and dialogue. Just as networking and exchange play a crucial role in our work, interaction with decision-makers and those working in policy development and implementation is a key part of our training. Our students and participants come from many different backgrounds and IPSS employs advanced learning methodologies to make the experience both comfortable and effective.

IPSS also aims to set up and institutionalise an annual summer school to address and reflect on current topics. Intended participants are alumni of IPSS, particularly those from the MPSA programme. The programme is also expected to attract high performing alumni from the IPSS residential programmes, and from other professional institutions across Africa.