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Initiative Africa (IA) has been working with national and international partners across Ethiopia on various development, peace and civic projects. In line with the priorities of the government, IA has increasingly been trying to use capacity development approaches that foster resilience in government and society – resilience to crises in livelihood, good governance, gender and peace. In this regard, IA has secured a grant from Sida (Swedish Embassy) to support peacebuilding and good governance initiatives in Ethiopia. Hence, in collaboration with Institute for Peace and Security Studies (IPSS) at Addis Ababa University, the Institute for Economics & Peace (IEP) and Pan African Chamber Of Commerce and Industry (PACCI), IA has designed a short intensive course on “The private sector, peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation”. The course is part of building the capacity of the Business Sector in general and its engagement in Peacebuilding activities in particular. It targets Business Executives who are influential in their sector and who can inspire and influence others working in the realm of business to engage in peacebuilding and to mainstream peace in their business architecture. Business executives have the influential power to change policies and encourage business operators and public officials to advocate for peace.
Course Objectives
The overall goal of the course is to engage the business sector in peacebuilding and good governance issues in Ethiopia. It will enable trainees to develop their skills through the leadership program and further their professional network in the field of Business and Peace.
Eligibility Criteria and Requirements
Who can apply?
Citizenship: The Short Course is open to both Ethiopian and non-Ethiopian citizens.
- Applicants must hold a completed BA degree or equivalent. Master’s degree is a plus.
- Applicants should be active in the business sector for a minimum of 5 years.
Age restrictions: We do not impose age restrictions for applicants.
Can I undertake other work or study at the same time as my Short Course?
No. This is a five-day full-time intensive short course to be held outside of Addis Ababa. The program and key workshops will be communicated to trainees beforehand so that they can schedule their other
commitments accordingly.
Duration and Attendance
The course is for five days. Participants are expected to declare confirmation of their full availability throughout the course duration (August 17-21, 2022). Complete attendance of courses is a minimum
requirement for obtaining certification for course participation.
The Course will be given at Lake Bishoftu Resort, Bisoftu Town (40 km from Addis Ababa)
Thematic areas of the course
The short course includes but is not limited to the following topics:
- Private Sector, Security and Social Justice
- Community-based Conflict Transformation and Peace Building
- Elections, Refugees, IDPs and Law Enforcement
- Funding Peace, Partnerships and Collective Actions
- Business in Post-conflict: Approaches to Reconstruction
- Business and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Perspectives and Practices in Peace Initiatives in Ethiopia
- Reforming Businesses and Mainstreaming Peace
Course Participation Fee
The overall program is designed in a cost-sharing arrangement. IA and partners will cover the large portion of expenses including course materials, venue, lecture fees, and course meals while trainees will pay a commitment fee of 25,000birr to be deposited upon receiving a letter of acceptance for the course.
Selection criteria
- This course is only for Business Executives i.e individuals who are responsible for running a business
- Leadership potential
- Motivation to benefit from the broad and inclusive nature of the Short Course
- The relevance and clarity of the proposed research /project, as demonstrated through the project
proposal (see Documentation section below) - Relevant background experience, as demonstrated through the curriculum vitae
- Demonstrating the necessary English-language ability
- Motivation for undertaking the Short Course and passion and commitment for peace.
- A post-Short Course plan which indicates how the candidate will apply their research,
- Skills and knowledge of the business sector in peacebuilding
- Declaration of confirmation on full participation during the course work
Selection process
- Stage one: Complete applications will be reviewed and shortlisted by our selection committee.
- Stage two: Shortlisted applicants will be invited to an interview. The interview will
- be carried out by a member of senior management at IA and may include a senior representative of
the organization sponsoring the Short Course. After this round, selected trainees will be notified via
- To apply for this Short Course, we need:
- Your CV/resumé ( max of 4 pages)
- The names and emails of two references
- One writing sample ( not more than 5 pages)
- Declaration of confirmation of availability between August 17-21, 2022
Please send all required documents with the title Application for Short Intensive Course to by August 9, 2022. Please be aware that incomplete applications will not be considered.
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