Impact of Armed Conflicts on Cultural Property: Ensuring protection of our shared heritage under International Law
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Venue: Online via Zoom
The African Union(AU) has dedicated 2021 as the year of ‘Arts, Culture and Heritage: Levers for Building Africa We Want’’. The AU believes that this theme would bring about enhanced unity and integration revitalizing the spirit of African unity for which arts, culture, and heritage can be a catalyst. To this end, AU hopes to preserve valued African cultural property such as historic buildings, artwork, books/manuscripts, and other artifacts that have been passed down from previous generations, to enable Africa to meet its development agenda.
However, there is a great danger standing in the way of preserving such cultural property across Africa, especially in countries where protracted armed conflicts have come to ravage these cultural property and heritage including consequent displacement of people from their ancestral lands from where culture and heritage are rooted for posterity and passage to next generations… Read More