Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for Authors

Submission process 

All submissions should be sent with a clear subject line [Journal submission: Title of article] to We aim to attract scholars working on security studies, peace and security, international and regional structures, actors, and African peace operations. Submission should critically examine emerging challenges, responses to these challenges, and challenges that exist or add to existing perspectives and focus on the unique African-led examples emerging from the themes.  

We welcome both individual and co-authored proposals for consideration for publication. Individual paper proposals will be evaluated on merit even if submitted as part of a group submission. Individual scholars interested in submitting an individual paper proposal are invited to submit: (1) a proposed title; (2) 250-word abstract; (3) a biography of the author; (4) the submitted paper should be between 6000-8000 words include referencing.

Scholars interested in submitting as a group are invited to submit: (1) a proposed title; (2) 250-word proposal/abstract for each paper; (3) biographies of the proposed authors; and (4) the submitted paper should be between 6000-8000 words include referencing.


Each paper observes a 6000–8000-word limit. The word limit applies to included tables, charts, and other possible attachments. Materials presented must be original and not published either in full or part elsewhere without the publisher’s express permission. The text of the article should be Times New Roman font size 12 with 1.5 line spacing. There should be 2.0 spacing before and after a header. All headers should be Times New Roman font size 12, Bold. Referencing should follow the style as specified on the publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition). All papers should be organised with the common framework as listed below:

  • Addressing the problem(s) and explaining the paper’s purpose and scope using single or multiple theoretical analyses and relevant literature;
  • Presenting a clear discussion section of the materials presented;
  • Highlighting some of the unique African-led experience being observed;
  • Using correct reference style [See here] in citations and references, and;
  • Offering a conclusion with clear policy implications and contributions to theory/knowledge.

Timelines for publication

  • Call for Paper Mid-December 2023;
  • Submission of proposed title, abstracts and a biography of the author(s): On or before January 22, 2024
  • Date of Publication: Early July 2024;
  • Date of paper due to the editor African Solutions Journal Accepted final version 1st March 2024
    1. (1) proposed title; (2) 250-word abstract; and (3) a biography of the author(s); (4) a submitted paper between 6000-8000 words includes referencing;
  • Author(s) work on revisions- April 2024;
  • Revisions submitted to Editorial team for proofreading and copyediting: 1st May 2024;
  • Copyedits sent back to author(s): Early June- Mid June 2024;
  • Publication: Mid-July 2024