IPSS new Director

26 July, 2019

The new director reaffirmed his commitment to the core values of IPSS, which are: Pursuit of excellence, Diversity and Inclusiveness, Respect and Fairness and Teamwork.

Yonas Adaye Adeto (PhD) is appointed as the new Director of  IPSS as of 19 July 2019 in replacement of the former director of the institute Kidane Kiros (PhD), who is currently on a sabbatical leave.

On 26 July 2019, during an introductory meeting with the IPSS staff members, the new director reaffirmed his commitment to the core values of IPSS, which are: Pursuit of excellence, Diversity and Inclusiveness, Respect and Fairness and Teamwork. Furthermore, he stated his vision of making IPSS the leading Pan-African Peace and Security Studies Institute.

Yonas Adaye holds a BA and MA in English from Addis Ababa University; an MA and Postgraduate Diploma in International Relations and Security Studies and a PhD in Peace Studies from the University of Bradford, UK. Yonas has spent more than 20 years teaching at Addis Ababa University, as well as served in different administrative posts at AAU and IPSS. From 1996 to 2000 he was the Sophomore English Coordinator at AAU. After joining IPSS in 2007, he worked in different administrative capacities including: Director (2007 – 2009); Deputy Director (2012 – 2014); Regular MA Programme Coordinator (since 2009) and Associate Academic Director (since 2014 – 18 July 2019).

Read full biography at https://ipss-addis.org/about/team/.