- Background
The UK Research and Innovation (UKRI), in partnership with the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), has provided financial support for the implementation of a capacity-building project. The project is implemented in collaboration with Haramaya University, Obafemi Awolowo University, Protestant University of Central Africa, University of Hargeisa, Africa University and Addis Ababa University.
- Objectives
The objective of the project is to develop the research capacity of the collaborating universities, especially in the area of peace and security studies. This is mainly achieved by providing technical and financial support to Ph.D. students and postdoctoral researchers. The project has, accordingly, unveiled a research grant to researchers of Addis Ababa University who are pursuing a Ph.D. degree or postdoctoral research.
The general objective of the training is to improve the research and publishing capacities of researchers. The training, inter alia, will cover the nature of scientific methods and their application to social phenomenon; nature, importance and scope of research; types of research; steps in the process of research; types of research design; concepts in research; various tools and procedure of data collection; qualitative research designs; mixed-method research; application of statistics in Social Sciences research; database management and techniques; data collection, management and analysis (both qualitative and quantitative); report and project proposal writing; and publication in credible journals.
- Requirements
An applicant should be a staff member or researcher of Addis Ababa University pursuing a Ph.D. degree or postdoctoral research in any given discipline of the Social Sciences.
- How to Apply?
Interested applicants should send an email to research@ipss-addis.org with the subject “Request for Application Form” to obtain the application form for the training. The form should be completed as per the provided guidelines and sent back through the same email address before Monday 19th June 2023.