Making 1325 a reality in Africa: filling the gaps between rhetoric and reality
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UNSCR 1325 is a landmark resolution in recognizing the role that women play in the prevention, management, and resolution of conflicts as well as underlining the need for gender-sensitive approaches to the restoration of peace and stability in post-conflict contexts and the need to incorporate a gendered perspective into all aspects of peace and security governance in Africa. The significance of the resolution has been strong in the continent, with the establishment of women networks and the special Envoy for Women, Peace, and Security. Moreover, the development and adoption of the Continental Results Framework (CRF) by the African Union Commission (AUC) was a significant step towards closing the gap between WPS policy development and implementation. It demonstrated the AUC’s deep commitment to the WPS agenda, gender equality, and women’s empowerment in Africa.
However, assessment of the implementation of UNSCR 1325 indicates that Africa, despite good policies and National Action Plans among its Member States, has a long way to go in terms of effective implementation of the resolution. Women and girls are still the major victims of the protracted conflicts in the continent and their representation in peace processes continues to be limited. Structural gender inequalities continue to prevail in the continent, driven by patriarchal ideologies, which still dominate much of the world. Unfortunately, these structural challenges are also pervasive in political structures that are responsible for the implementation of the resolution.